ACGR Respectful Research Training Resources

Working on the premise that building a culture of respect and equality is critical to the provision of safe and supportive research training environment, ACGR has produced a series of videos that illustrate situations where unconscious bias, unprofessional behaviour and abuse of power challenge this culture.

The six scenarios that are explored in these videos will “ring true” with many in the higher education sector and will help to stimulate discussion about the risks of certain behaviours or circumstances. Production of the resources has been overseen by senior academics with deep experience of graduate research.

The ACGR Respectful Research Training resources align with the Principles for Respectful Supervisory Relationships which were developed jointly by Universities Australia, ACGR, National Tertiary Education Union and Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations.

Institutional access to the Respectful Research Training Resources is available by subscription to a perpetual license.

For further information or to preview the resources and enquire about taking out a subscription contact: Tracy Sullivan, Executive Director, ACGR,

ACGR Building Respectful Research Cultures Forum Resources

In response to the Australian Human Rights Commission Change The Course: National Report of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in Australian Universities (2017) report over 50 senior university leaders and managers convened in Brisbane 2018 and agreed that building a culture of respect and equality is critical to the provision of safe and supportive research training environment for all.

Here are the forum presentations:

Setting the scene

RNA initiative and Changing the Course – HDR results
UA Principles on Respectful Supervisory Relationships
Professor Denise Cuthbert, Associate DVC Research Training and Development, RMIT Universityz

Developing a Culture of Equality

Discussion of issues such as unconscious bias, a significant power imbalance in the supervisor-candidate relationship, and subtle forms of exclusion that may present barriers to diversity and inclusion in the research training context.
Professor Chris Cocklin, Senior DVC and DVC (R&I) , James Cook University

Abuse and Harassment within Institutions

Discussion of a various scenarios of sexual assault and sexual harassment in the workplace illustrating the challenges of differing norms and perceptions of sexual harassment and the effect of power imbalance.
Adair Donaldson, Lawyer and Director of Donaldson Law

Candidate Perspective

Zoe Tulip, Vice President (Communications) CAPA

Support Services for HDR Candidates and Supervisors – UQ Case Study

Andrew Lee, Director, Student Affairs Division, University of Queensland

Respectful Behaviour at the University of Western Australia

Dr Sato Juniper, Associate Director, Graduate Research and Scholarships, University of Western Australia