ACGR Update August 2022

Message from ACGR President

Dear colleagues,

It is with great regret that I announce Fiona Zammit’s intention to step down from the role of Executive Director at the end of 2022. As many of you will know, Fiona has been providing Executive Officer/Director services to ACGR as a contractor since before its incorporation in 2015.

Her superior expertise and tireless engagement is in large part the reason the Council is held in such high regard across the sector and overseas. We will grasp the opportunity to farewell Fiona at our November conference, but meanwhile we are seeking proposals for the future provision of Executive services from appropriately qualified individuals for up to three years.

The call for the provision of Executive services is available on the ACGR website and outlines the services, skills and experience required of a future Executive Director and provides guidance on how to apply for this role. I’d be very grateful if you circulate this among your networks and encourage appropriately qualified individuals to apply.

In other news, thank you to those in attendance for last week’s webinar discussion on Graduate Research Internships, a highly relevant and timely conversation which provided a good start on progressing the HDR Co-op Internship Program Considerations document.

Details on our upcoming event program – including upcoming webinars, New Deans Networking sessions, and details on our November National Meeting – are outlined in this month’s newsletter, we look forward to engaging with you at those forums over the coming months.

Best regards,

Imelda Whelehan, ACGR President