ACGR Update February 2023

Dear ACGR Colleagues,

As we ease into 2023 this year is shaping up to be one of reflection and renewal as we await the release of findings from the Review of the Australian Research Council and the unfolding of the Australian Universities Accord process. As always ACGR is ready and committed to supporting you in staying abreast of developments and providing resources, support and network sharing opportunities as these processes play out throughout the coming year.

Stepping into the role of Executive Director I am struck by the commitment within the Graduate Research community to continually strive for improved conditions and outcomes for students, alongside a culture of collegiality and connection. I am looking forward to engaging with you all in the coming year as ACGR continues to support your work and provide opportunities for you to connect.

The first opportunity for colleagues to come together face-to-face is our first ACGR National Meeting, scheduled to take place in Sydney on April 27th and 28th at Western Sydney University, Parramatta. A maximum of three registrations are available for each Australian full member university and two delegates from associate and affiliate (international) member institutions. Please save these dates in your calendar as places are limited and registrations will open soon.

Another date to mark on your calendars is March 20, this is the closing date for nominations for the ACGR Awards for Excellence. The awards recognise excellence in higher degree supervision (HDR) supervision, leadership, industry engagement, and programs and support. The awards are an opportunity to publicly acknowledge and showcase the level of excellence in graduate research practice undertaken across the sector. We look forward to receiving your nominations.

We look forward to engaging with you throughout the year and meeting in person in April.

Best regards,

Tracy Sullivan
ACGR Executive Director