ACGR Update April 2023

It’s hard to believe that April is upon us, which means that shortly we will have the opportunity to come together in person as colleagues make their way to Sydney.

We are pleased to announce that the full program for the ACGR National Meeting is now available. We are also excited to welcome Professor Mary O’Kane, Chair of the Australian Universities Accord Panel and Professor Barney Glover, Vice-Chancellor Western Sydney University and Australian Universities Accord Panel member to our April meeting to provide insight into key themes arising from the Accord discussion paper submissions and to hear your thoughts of what you would like the sector to look like into the future.

The meeting will take place in Sydney on April 27th and 28th at Western Sydney University, Parramatta. A maximum of three registrations are available for each Australian full member university and two delegates from associate and affiliate (international) member institutions.

Thank you to all those that promoted and submitted nominations for the  ACGR Awards for Excellence. We look forward to assessing the nominations. We also thank those who attended our recent webinar discussion on the  Australian Universities Accord Discussion paper. The wide ranging and thoroughly insightful discussion was particularly helpful in fleshing out the pertinent opportunities and challenges that we currently face.

We look forward to engaging with you in person as we come together at Western Sydney University to reconnect with colleagues and engage in lively discussions of what is happening across the graduate research landscape. See you soon.

Best regards

Imelda Whelehan, ACGR President
Tracy Sullivan, ACGR Executive Director