ACGR Update October 2022

Moving into the final (and ever increasingly busy) stages of 2022, we hope our October Members Update finds you all well.

We start with a happy but cautionary reminder that places are filling quickly for our second ACGR National Meeting, scheduled to take place at ANU in Canberra on November 14 & 15. Places are limited so please ensure your nominated attendees are registered.

A key objective of the National Meeting is to strengthen support networks amongst our peers. We very much look forward to welcoming and reconnecting with colleagues following what has been so long between face to face ACGR meetings.

The 2020-2021 ACGR AGM will be held on November 14 as part of the National Meeting. Nominations for these elections are now open and primary representatives of full member institutions will be sent forms and details today. Please do consider how you (or one of our ACGR colleagues) may be able to contribute to the important work of our Executive Committee.

Thank you to those who were able to attend ACGR’s annual ‘New and Aspiring Graduate Research Leaders’ PD program. It was fantastic to see more than 45 ACGR colleagues, featuring a great mix of new and familiar faces, taking part in the sixth presentation of this program.

Held on September 15, the program was facilitated by a stellar cast of our most experienced DDOGS and provided a unique opportunity to learn from leaders in the field and focus on network building with current Deans and Directors from across Australia.

Best regards,

Imelda Whelehan, ACGR President
Fiona Zammit, ACGR Executive Director