2024 ACGR Awards for Excellence

The Australian Council of Graduate Research proudly presents the Excellence in Graduate Research Education awards. These awards were made for the first time in 2017 to publically promote quality in higher degree research (HDR) supervision, leadership and industry engagement.

The awards recognise and reward excellence in Graduate Research Education, contribute to good practice in HDR supervision and leadership amongst all ACGR member institutions and encourage them to establish their own award programs.

The following awards were presented in 2024:

  • Excellence in Graduate Research Supervision, sponsored by ResearchMaster
  • Excellence in Graduate Research Leadership, sponsored by Epigeum
  • Excellence in Promoting Industry Engagement in Graduate Research
  • Excellence in Graduate Research Programs and Support

Recipients of each award were announced at the 2024 April National Meeting dinner in Adelaide. Each recipient features on the ACGR website below and will also receive a grant of $3,000.

MEDIA RELEASE: 2024 Australian Council of Graduate Research Excellence Award Winners Announced