ACGR Update December 2018

In our final Update for 2018 we launch another set of Good Practice Guidelines, share some benchmarking and announce key dates for meetings in 2019.

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ACGR Update November 2018

This month’s Update follows up on a number of the issues raised at the November national meeting in Melbourne and particularly asks for your response in relation to query that

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ACGR Update October 2018

This month’s newsletter provides a status report on some great achievements by ACGR during 2018 and provides some early advice to assist with your planning for 2019 and beyond. This

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ACGR Update September 2018

Cooperation with partners and stakeholders is the key to success for ACGR as an organisation and this Update reports on several important and ground breaking collaborations that we have recently

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ACGR Update August 2018

Today, August 1, is the one year anniversary of the release of Change the Course, the Australian Human Rights Commission Report on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment at Australian Universities.

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ACGR Update July 2018

As well as providing guidance on good practice and a wide range of support for our members, one of ACGR’s key roles is to advocate on behalf of the Graduate

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ACGR Update June 2018

As we approach the middle of the year and the start of winter, life just not seem to get any quieter for our graduate research colleagues. Mid-year scholarship rounds are

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ACGR Update May 2018

Shining a spotlight on exemplary graduate research supervisors and leaders, our ACGR Update this month celebrates the recipients of the 2018 ACGR Awards for Excellence in Graduate Research Education. These

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ACGR Update April 2018

The highlight of the month was our Respectful Research Training Forum held in Brisbane on March 16. More than 50 members and colleagues benefited from expert insights from our guest

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ACGR Update March 2018

ACGR welcomes two new member institutions to our network. Torrens University has been granted full membership as a HDR degree granting university and CSIRO has joined as an Associate Member.

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ACGR Update February 2018

Happy New Year and welcome to another busy and productive year for Graduate Research in Australia and beyond. I am delighted to be commencing my term as Convenor of ACGR

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