ACGR Webinar – Investing Early to Identify Applicant Aspiration and Capabilities: A Focus on Application for Selection

Applicants for higher degrees have a range of motivations to undertake a research degree and success for each applicant looks different. Universities work hard to facilitate graduate researchers to realise their career aspirations through professional development opportunities, but how much do universities explore graduate researcher career aspirations and existing capabilities on application?  Can a closer

ACGR National Meeting November 2024

The next national meeting of the Australian Council of Graduate Research will be held on Thursday November 7 and Tuesday November 8 2024. This online meeting of graduate research leaders across Australian and New Zealand will be both reflective and forward thinking. As well as sharing important operational practices and strategies amongst members, we will

ACGR Graduate Research Leadership Program 2024

ACGR was delighted to present another of its national programs specifically designed to support Associate and/or Deputy Deans of Graduate Research, HDR Directors or equivalent and other academics aspiring to senior graduate research portfolio roles. Program Explore the program The program was facilitated by experienced Deans of Graduate Research. Participants developed a toolkit of knowledge

ACGR Webinar 7/2024 – Supervising Indigenous research and Indigenous higher degree researchers

The growing pipeline of Indigenous doctoral students is at a pivotal juncture, with the opportunity for Indigenous researchers to significantly enhance both academic knowledge and community-based research capabilities. As an academic workforce, Indigenous researchers offer the potential to create positive change within Indigenous communities while also enriching the broader academic landscape. However, many universities and

Tiny®Habits for Supervisory Success

A toolkit to unlock potential & supercharge success for supervisors and their candidates In this practical masterclass, you will learn and practice a toolkit for building better habits for more effective, quality-driven and thriving supervisory relationships. This interactive presentation will teach supervisors the nuts & bolts of the Tiny®Habits method and how to design for success in

ACGR Webinar 6/2024 – Equity in Doctoral Education through Partnership and Innovation (EDEPI) project – Exploring the PGR Competency-based Admissions Framework

Presented by Professor Julie Sheldon, Dean of the Doctoral Academy at Liverpool John Moores University and Dr Rebekah Smith McGloin, Director, Research Culture and Environment, Nottingham Trent University, this webinar provides the opportunity to find out more about a new PGR Competency-Based Admissions Framework developed by Nottingham Trent, Liverpool John Moores and Sheffield Hallam Universities in collaboration

ACGR Webinar 5/2024 – Equal Access to HDR

Developing an admission equivalence framework The creation of diverse entry pathways to HDR programs supports the growth of underrepresented groups, as well as those embedded in industry who are seeking to upskill. A shift towards competency-based approaches to assessing HDR program admission eligibility over academic qualifications is one approach to diversify entry pathways, aiming to increase

ACGR Webinar 4/2024 – Conversations with experts

With the best will in the world, an accomplished research academic may bring an element of unconscious bias to conversations with their HDR candidates around their future career direction. Statistics show that less than half of all HDR candidates in Australia will end up in higher education (GDS, 2022) thus, enabling conversations between supervisors and

University of Adelaide HDR Community of Practice webinar

On 7 May 2024, Professor Tania Crotti of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Adelaide presented this webinar and discussed the successes and insights gleaned from the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Supervision Community of Practice (CoP), outlining how this model works at the University of Adelaide and how the

ACGR April 2024 National Meeting Announced

ACGR is looking forward to welcoming all members and their nominated colleagues to our first national meeting of 2024 on Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th April 2024. Co-hosted by the University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia, this immersive two day meeting will be held in the Adelaide Medical and Health Sciences (AHMS)

ACGR Webinar 1/24 – Research Training for Impact

In late 2020, RMIT committed a portion of the additional RSP funding granted by the Commonwealth to the redevelopment of the coursework components of the HDR curriculum. The new curriculum went live in 2023. The curriculum redevelopment was lead by the School of Graduate Research and aimed to address some delivery issues in the existing