Graduate Research Mental Health and Wellbeing Forum – September 30

“Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” World Health Organisation

We all have a responsibility to do as much as possible to understand and support the wellbeing of our graduate research students and prevent or mitigate the factors that may contribute to the development or exacerbation of mental health problems during their candidature.

ACGR will convene a full day forum on this topic on Monday September 30 at the Stamford Plaza Sydney Airport. 

The forum will open a national discussion to explore:

  • Graduate research mental health & wellbeing: What do we know?
  • Determinants of mental wellbeing: what works?
  • Supports, Interventions & Research in Research Degree Training: What’s happening?

Presentations from experts in the field and experienced deans will be accompanied by examples of initiatives currently in place and panel discussions to reflect on how we can collectively progress the agenda of improving wellbeing in research training in Australian and New Zealand universities.  

ACGR Mental Health and Wellbeing Forum – Preliminary Program.

Attendance is limited to senior academic and professional staff who have responsibility for this endeavour and are linked with the research training portfolios in their universities.

The low (cost recovery only) registration fee of $130 + GST will include welcome coffee, lunch and afternoon tea.

Numbers will be strictly limited so delegates are encouraged to register as soon as possible before the event sells out. No more than three representatives may attend from each ACGR member institution.

Please register here.